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Still In Touch

 Juried Exhibition 

The virtual portion of the Still in Touch Juried Exhibition is hosted by the Union of Student Artists and Winthrop University Galleries. It aims to showcase the ingenuity of Winthrop's faculty and students during these weird quarantine times. Due to Covid 19, the spring semester of 2020 operated in a way that we've never experienced before. We recognize that it can be hard to create art without readily available studio space and supplies, but nevertheless, Winthrop's creative community still thrived. Still In Touch celebrates the work that was made by Winthrop's artistic students and faculty during these times of self-isolation. With this exhibition we want to motivate you to continue making art and keep you connected with the Winthrop and York County community!


Full Prospectus: 

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Evil, Marley Terry Vigil,

Linoleum acrylic ink print, 15” x 15”

Shelton_Nothing Gold Can Stay - Emily Sh

Nothing Gold Can Stay, Emily Shelton, Black Ink and Acrylic Paint, 11.5"x17"

Bolton_ThingFromThePit - Jon Bolton.jpg

Thing from the Pit, Jonathan Aden Bolton,

Charcoal/ acrylic/ pastel, shellac/ graphite on canvas, 24 x 30 in


The Borderland and the Unfortunate Pepper, Jonathan Aden Bolton, Charcoal and graphite on canvas, 22 x 30 in

Fields-Williams_Change - Marisa Lydia Fi

Change, Marisa Fields- Williams,  Digital Photo, 20”x30”

Feast - Mackenzie Lauren Wells.JPG

Feast, Mackenzie Wells, Red Dirt,  

each piece varies, around 4 x 1 x 1

all the way to 6 x 6 x 2

Ross_Skin(Hand) - Samantha Michaela Ross
Ross_Skin (Legs) - Samantha Michaela Ros
Ross_Skin (Reach) - Samantha Michaela Ro

Skin (Reach), Skin (Leg), Skin (Reach), Samantha Ross,  Digital Photography, 13" x 20"

Shelton_HeavyMind - Emily Shelton - Copy
Shelton_HeavyHands - Emily Shelton.jpg

Heavy Hands, Emily Shelton, Fabric, 6'6"x3'8"x7"

Heavy Mind, Emily Shelton, Recycled Fabrics, 2'x1'8"x1'8"

Pieces of Haiku,

By Sandra Neels

The orchestra of trees awaits a cue from the wind….ah, here it comes!

The storm comes….trees fall… branches break…leaves crumple. Birds and squirrels weep now.

After rain, steam rises from earth, clothing me in a misty white gown.

Trees waving, leaves falling, pollen dancing, nothing urgent…just sighing.

Morning. A rabbit hops toward me and stops…we stare for a long time.

It’s like the first snowfall…suddenly quiet and calm, but not welcome.

Things stop in the world, in my world, ideas are born and flourish. I’m alive!

Endless days pass, flowers bloom and die. Someone walks by slowly, then yells.

Footsteps on a sidewalk, the only sound I hear, and yet – no one there.

Drop after drop, the relentless rain fills my heart with heaven’s music.

Gambrell_Superman - Sydney Madison Gambr

Superman, Sydney Gambrell, Mixed Media, 12" x 9"

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Black_Jordan_Doilies - Jordan McKenzie B

Dollies, Jordan Black,

Yarn/Doily/Sewn Flowers/Thread, 3 in x 3 in

 Naturally Speaking: Royal Roots, Bryan Wilson, Oil on linen, 48in by 72 in 

Nam_BudLight - Nav - Copy.jpg

Bud Light, Navyen Nam, Digital Photography, 18000x4000 px

Cassidy Sharps 12 - Shaun Cassidy.jpg
Cassidy Sharps 19 - Shaun Cassidy.jpg

Sharps (12), Shaun Cassidy, Acrylic on wood, 24" x 24"

Sharps (19), Shaun Cassidy, Acrylic on wood, 24" x 24"

Fields-Williams_Pearl - Marisa Lydia Fie

Pearl, Marisa Fields- Williams,  Digital Photo, 20”x30”

Claytor_The Last Night Of Camp - Margare
Claytor_The Croc Incident - Margaret Lou

The Last Night Of Camp, Maggie Claytor,

Acrylic paint on wood/ rope/ flashlights, glass bowl/ letter beads, 36 x 16 inches

The Croc Incident, Maggie Claytor,

Acrylic paint on wood/ jump rope/ string/ jewelry, 34 x 22 inches

final 1 - Jade Alexis Solch - Copy.jpg

red and blue make purple, Jade Solch,

digital photo, 3633 x 5779

Claytor_But We Did It Together... - Marg

But We Did It Together..., Maggie Claytor,

Acrylic paint on wood/ pom poms

11 x 25 inches

Bolton_Leftover - Jon Bolton.jpg
screenshot portrait (jessie) - Jason Lin

Webcam Woes, Jason Lindsay, Watercolor on Paper, 5.5" x 9" in

Leftover, Jonathan Aden Bolton,

Charcoal/ acrylic / graphite on canvas, 24 x 30 in

crabs - Kaitlyn Grace Rogers.jpg
20200519_212037 - Jade Alexis Solch.jpg

Dinner from McClellanville, Kaitlyn G Rogers, Oil Painting, 18" x 24" 

On Loan from Doug Powell

got tired of saying it so i just put it on a ring, Jade Solch,

Brass, Fine Silver, 2 cm x 0.5 cm x 2 cm

Karban_Branch Weaving - Katherine Nicole

Branch Weaving, Katie Karban, Yarn/ Branch, 12" x 20"

Memories Are The Fabric of Our Lives, Jordan Black,

Polaroid Photographs/Thread, 7.5 in x 5 in

Nam_TornadoWarning2 - Nav.jpg

Tornado Warnings, Navyen Nam, Digital Photography, 18000x4000 px

Washington_Take Flight - Antonio Washing

Taking Flight, Antonio Washington, Digital paint, 18" x 24"

Stomach bug unframed - Kaitlyn Grace Rog

Stomach Bug, Kaitlyn Rogers, Paper Cut, 15" x 8"

Connell_Magnolias - Jim Connell.jpeg
Connell_MagnoliaBowl - Jim Connell.jpg
Connell_CherryBlossom - Jim Connell.jpeg

Cherry Blossoms, Jim Connell,

Ceramic porcelain, 14" x 9"

Magnolia Bowl, Jim Connell, Ceramic porcelain, 13" x 7"

Magnolias, Jim Connell,

Ceramic porcelain, 14" x 5"

plexi earrings - Mackenzie Lauren Wells.
felts  - Kaitlyn Grace Rogers.jpg

Felt Painting , Kaitlyn Rogers, Felting, 18" x 24"

Plexi Earrings, Mackenzie Wells, Plexiglass/ silver, 5 x 2 x .5 in.

Karban_Garden Tiger Moth - Katherine Nic

Garden Tiger Moth, Katie Karban,

 Acrylic and Medium Transfer, 12" x 16"

Karban_Comet Moth - Katherine Nicole Kar

Comet Moth, Katie Karban,

 Acrylic and Medium Transfer, 12" x 16"

Jackson_Tangled Kinbaku2 - Autumn Hart J
Jackson_Tangled Kinbaku3 - Autumn Hart J
Jackson_Tangled Kinbaku - Autumn Hart Ja

Tangled Kinbaku 2Tangled Kinbaku 3, Tangled Kinbaku,  Autumn Jackson, Yarn, 5" x 7"

e's art tips,  Elizabeth Dulemba, Video, 2560 x 1588 pixels. 

Full Series Link:

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